Seminars and More!

Why Seminars?

Why seminars?      

It is not just sewing skills that are required to make or "build" a tutu, but the experience and knowledge put into its design, fabric choices, construction, and fitting that make a quality tutu. Our teachers have an extensive background not only in tutus but classical ballet and its needs as well. With some practice, most intermediate sewers can follow a pattern and "make" a tutu for a recital or student dancer, but the demands of a professional require more than that. It starts with knowing a dancer's needs. Our seminars teach just that! From construction methods, fitting on dancers, to the "Art" of the tutu which includes design and embellishing. Classes cover more than just the sewing techniques you need to know, but also the "Why’s and How-to’s”.• We feel the fastest and most efficient way to learn is hands-on in a classroom. Here you will have a teacher and helpers guide you through the process. We value your time, your commitment, and your investment in this training and will watch as you go through each step, offer guidance, answer questions, and encourage critical thinking so vital to this field.• Being with other students also is extremely beneficial. Not only listening to their question and the answers but discussing issues you have with others who are just learning as well. Join others in learning more about this art form. Previously, much of this was only learned as apprentices, "hands-on" in a costume shop, or over many years of experience. Unfortunately, today this is seldom available or practical, and this is where we come in!• We suggest starting with our basic courses. Here you will start with "easy to work with" fashion fabrics which will allow you to focus on the method and your sewing skills. You'll have a chance to work with coutil lining, and why and when it is best to use this or when you can use something else. You'll learn the traditional methods of building ballet costumes, how to build them efficiently, and the importance of how to fit correctly. How total freedom of movement is essential, through the cut of the bodice and skirt. How the cut of the costume is also designed to show off the dancers' body and lines to their full potential.Learn important things to think about before building a tutu. You must consider the choreography; will they be partnered? What lifts will be done? Will your tutu work in this situation? Is this for a soloist or principal dancer who often wants a custom-fitted costume or a company that needs it to be easily altered to fit others? Is this for a competition? A student? or a professional?From this solid start you can build through practice, experience, and experimenting to more quickly obtain the goals you wish. Learn new skills or hone skills you already have.                                                Join us!

Facebook Alumni Group

Once you have completed your class/classes, students will be invited to join our alumni group to continue their education, ask questions, and discuss issues with others. Often new patterns, sales are offered here first.

ONLY open to students who have attended our seminars.

Online Tutu Tutor

Personalized one-on-one online lesson.

For those of you that are unable to attend one of our seminars we are offering you the convenience of an online tutor to help you. Click button below. Once purchased, we will be in touch and arrange your one hour zoom lesson.

Purchase Lesson Here